On the Road with Biz

My travels across the Americas - join me!

Ready to take Rediscover Your Closet on the road!

Ready to take Rediscover Your Closet on the road!

The Journey begins…

After many years of a joyous, wonderful life in Dallas, Texas, I’m hitting the road to travel across North and South America! I’ve learned so much from all the amazing women (and men) who have taken the “conscious living” journey with me. From repurposing apparel and household goods, to finding out more about my clients’ personal fashion stories through using the clothes they love - and sometimes finding the pieces they didn’t know they love. My role orchestrating their personal expression and minimizing clutter has given fulfillment to me and those who have worked with me on their path to peaceful living.

Beginning in June, I’ll be traveling across the country to spread my message:

  • Conscious living and mindfulness

  • Reducing rampant consumerism and waste

  • Learning body positive behaviors

  • Repurposing, reusing and rediscovering your own inner diva

Click here for an excellent article by NPR that describes this philosophy.

If you’d like to schedule an appointment or find out about having me at your motivational speaking engagement, please click the learn more button to send me an email.

Stay tuned for my stories on the road!


I did not leave Dallas to run away, but I knew I had some healing to do and growth I wanted to experience as well. I felt stuck and pushed by the universe to open up and expand. This week, my real solo journey begins and I am both excited and anxious. One thing I do know - the universe has my back and I will take it all in with love. Take a journey with me as I see the beauty of Mother Nature, share the joy with my furry companions, and of course, make new friends along the way!

Today, I was able to do a horseback ride through the mountains - so beautiful and serene. To be honest, my patience was tested because it was SO slow, and I was solo with a large, extended family that was on vacation together. It made me a little sad to know that I did not have anyone there besides Little Carlos, Louie and Marmaduke in the van. Then, I wondered if they felt uncomfortable by having me, a stranger, join in on their family outing. Being alone and trying new experiences without the “safety net” of all my friends around me has made me stop to think more about the relationships we foster. Family and friends are to be cherished, but it’s also necessary for us to experience life on our own terms. Let’s all dare to venture outside our comfort zones and learn from each other.

Being in Creede, Colorado has been fun, but not a place I want to land permanently. These mountains are more than amazing...they are majestic and carry so much wisdom if we just listen. Namaste 🙏 


I write this as I am taking my first THC bath bomb soak. I will let you know how it goes and what I feel. It already seems to be helping with pain and stiffness from hours in the car. Sometimes the roads are crazy bumpy when going into the forest areas and the pups feel it too. Let’s put it this way - my van is not a luxury vehicle.

Seeing the Chaco ruins was a chance encounter. I was headed from Pagosa Springs to Durango and stopped along the way to see them and caught the last tour. In Pagosa Springs, I had a massage/healing session with a lady who told me my Native roots are strong. I felt that when touring through the sacred spaces.

Our guide was an archeologist and had insight and wisdom to many spiritual events and occurrences that took place on this land in the past and still today.

I touched the rocks with my hands and envisioned what is was like when they lived in these dwellings. I enjoy learning about history and applying it to the world today. The more we understand, the more we develop and grow into our own authentic person. Our goal is not to live in the past, but to listen, evolve and make peace with it. May your heart grow with compassion and 💜.

Living Out of a Van and Motels Ain’t Easy - My Journey with Material Addictions.

I mean, am I right?! Personally, I never realized that my addiction to safety, a home, and material items was that strong. Honestly, I had done so much work already to break through a shopping addiction through working Rediscover Your Closet sessions. I thought, taking just what I “need” in a van will be SO easy breezy. Once again, I spiritually called in these lessons and am learning them one by one with a open heart. Following my heart and intuition to embrace this adventurous time with all I have within me and LETTING GO of what no longer serves me. Our body always tells us when something needs to change, listen to it.

If I inspire you to take that next leap, let me know and would love to hear how YOU have embraced change. Peace and Love ✌️🙏🏼

New Moon in Cancer July 2

Three things that cannot be hidden: The sun. The moon. And the truth. - Buddha

The truth is, I always feel a shift happen internally right before the new moon rises. Since I have started my travels, yesterday was my toughest day, by far, and my anxiety was pretty high. Letting go of stability, comfort and safety is a challenge for me. As a Libra, I have the desire to weigh everything out. This can make it difficult to make decisions quickly, so making this trip and life change happen took a perfect storm - everything had come into place with finances, hard relationships and all around quality of life.

I just finished listening to The Untethered Soul and The Surrender Experiment. Highly recommend these books if you are ready to let life flow better and stop the need to control everything that happens.

May all of our journeys help us grow and therefore help others to do the same 🙏🏼.

Slowing Down to Enjoy the Journey

The title to this entry says it all - and I long for it. To say this trip is making me grow is an understatement. Heading back to balance in everything; and the more I delve into myself, the more this rings true. I have been solo on this adventure - with three dogs in tow - but in reality alone. It was a treat to be able to connect with high school friend this past week. Even though we need alone time, we also need friends and companions. As a Libra, balance has become forefront on my mind and something I have always craved. I’m now beginning to understand balance really is the key to a happy life.

How do you obtain balance in your life? It is always good to meditate on our lives and find out what works best for your own happiness. We are all different and that word “balance” can be what YOU need it to be for you ✌️😀.

Peace and Understanding

I randomly wound up in Baraboo, Wisconsin and was given a recommendation to check out Devil’s Lake. Little did I know I would be in the town where the Ringling Brother’s circus started which brought up SO many emotions. I have, for the past few years, despised what the circus has done to exploit humans and animals. I took a deep breath and walked into the facility that STILL holds circus acts with animals. I sent love to the space and looked around at so much history. I am trying, on this journey, to see things with clarity and a 360º view. I do have an issue with training, into submission, wild animals for our benefit but hating the circus does me no good. It only brings me anger and I released my hatred and moved on to meet some amazing people and entrepreneurs in this little town called Baraboo. I had one of the best vegan meals here and the conscious community is thriving in an amazing way. When in anger, where can we find more peace and understanding?

Spreading Love

I just finished listening to The Untethered Soul for the second time since beginning my road trip. It made me think about dogs and love. I mean, DOG spelled backwards is GOD. I call the essence of God, “Spirit” and to me it means embracing love with our whole essence and being. I watch Louie, my little brown Chihuahua, naturally spread love everywhere we go. Every stop, every person, every being that walks by he wants to say “Hi” and show them love. Can we as humans do this as well? We can if we connect to the essence of God within us all, our divine spirit.

Disconnecting from the chatter in my head and watching my mind from an outside view makes all the difference with having “monkey brain.” Approaching life with love and not fearing death can change so much in one’s own life.

Being Conscious to the Signs Around Us Takes Work


I am in a little town called Kanab where a large animal sanctuary abides named Best Friend’s Animal Society. I will say, that after volunteering with city shelters, these rescue places I have stopped at are a breeze, comparatively, to volunteer. I am grateful to these places that allow animals to live in great conditions, but also long for our city shelters to get more of the help they need. The differences are drastic.

I am amazed though when chatting with locals how it does not rub off on them to be close to the best source to adopt. I met a lady with a local cafe 1 minute from the facility that had two designer, purchased dogs and another teenager whose dad does maintenance at the sanctuary, but has litters being born every year due to not spaying or neutering their own personal dog. Ugh. Sometimes this makes me want to give up and no longer fight the fight if those closest to this place can’t even follow the signs RIGHT in front of them to keep our animals at their best. Fascinating to me, yet must keep educating and being an example. Until our laws change AND are enforced, we will never be able to save them all. That is the realistic truth and WE must in life get to the source for change, not bandage it.

Spiritual Energy

There is a difference between “people pleasing” and showing kindness. My time in Sedona has included meeting many kind, happy people and equally as many angry, unhappy people. Just because one is in a place like Sedona - a spiritual place - does not mean that everyone is on Cloud Nine. Am I right 🥴?

The people here have the same reality as the rest of us. There are still bills to pay, work to do and mouths to feed. And like everywhere else, working in service industries like retail or restaurant can just blow. I think the more I have allowed my emotions to be real, acknowledge them, have a good cry or scream and then process it, the more I have experienced growth. Stuffing our emotions inside ourselves just brings more anger towards other beings. When I do encounter angry people, I call them out and say I am sorry you are having a bad day, but it is not okay to be rude to strangers. It seems to help and then they open up and, sometimes, I have had the best, open conversations. Hope this all helps us to love our neighbor a little bit more. Be the change. ✌️💥

How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours - Wayne Dyer

Best You

I love the various people I have met along my travels. Man, it is eye opening when you travel and meet all these cool souls. Getting out of my comfort zone has brought me in touch with different races, groups and ages. I love to engage with humans that are different from me and understand their stories and viewpoints.

If you are working to become a better human, then it matters not where you come from, just that you grow and evolve to become the best version of YOU ✌️.

Truth or Consequences, New Mexico

Here I am in Truth or Consequences and boy do I 💜 the name of this town. I have been reflecting on this three months of traveling, and it has been magical, challenging and soul growing. Probably one of the hardest things I have done. I realize from listening to the untethered soul so many times, plus being a Libra, I crave the balance which life on the road can be hard to obtain. This makes me want to find my spot, which is where I want the windows to open up from heaven and give me a definite sign 🥴, and that has just not happened yet. That is okay, because I am staying open to life and the signs coming my way. I keep practicing consciousness in the way I handle obstacles that come towards me. I know the universe has my back and I am calling in the best life possible. Send all the vibes and love my way and I will do the same for you. Peace & love ✌️💕

PS- some of these Carlsbad Cavern pics are just for your enjoyment. Go see this place!

Dark and Light. Joy and Pain. It’s all part of life.

Verbalizing my journey can be tough. Sometimes, it is hard to sum up to people what my travels are all about, and learning to read my audience is key to how I communicate this experience. For those who may not understand this path, I’m learning that I do not need to explain why I am doing this or try to justify my travels. I believe, and have seen, that healers are coming together, and the people that I am meeting on my ride are meant for me to meet. It is beautiful to have a deep and soulful conversation with those that do get why I am seeking, and that all those that wander are not lost.

My first week in Dallas was rough - integrating back into being in a big city AND working through triggers (aka falling into old habits). I have SO enjoyed connecting and reconnecting with my friends that are so amazing and encouraging. To have women and men I do not know that give me a hug and encourage me means the world. It reminds me that I need to encourage and applaud people I know that step out of their comfort zone and take a scary, risky step not knowing the outcome. I also understand that my journey is not for everyone, and it is essential to listen to your heart and soul and do it your own way.

Today, I worked on a closet for a lady that found me on Facebook, and our connection was beautiful. Her spirit was so bright, despite some truly unbelievable hardship. This reminded me how important our attitude is in everyday life. Because you know what? We were not put on this earth to suffer, but to learn and grow with joy. Shitty things will happen - no doubt, but accepting the dark and trying to stay in the light is what I aim to do daily. Sometimes, I fail miserably and other times, I don’t, but I wipe off my mistakes with grace and keep moving forward.

If this blog is encouraging to you, send me a note or follow me on Facebook and would love to join together on encouraging each other. Stay strong my friends and keep moving forward 🙏🏼💕.

Back on the Road

Well, I have made it to Taos and it worked out to stay with a friend for a few months to get my shit figured out and start networking. It is beautiful and the energy here is very healing and powerful. I am daily doing a guided meditation to stay grounded. Being a Libra makes it easy to stay floating in the air. Change is exciting, yet so hard to navigate through sometimes. I admire people even more that pick up and change their lives knowing that something out there is a better fit for them. I will be updating the different adventures ahead on here and make sure to follow my Facebook and Instagram pages as well @Rediscoveryourcloset 🙏🏼💜. Enjoy these pictures by the John Dunn bridge and have an amazing week to share love and kindness with others ✌️.

Loving drug addicts leads to self awarement and healing

When I first met this guy, I was newly out of Baylor and was looking for some excitement. On a random night in Deep Ellum, I was in a bar listening to a band when a guy came up to me and said, “I’m going to marry you.” I thought, “Whatever,” I had been through this in college and was sure it was just a stupid pick-up line. Well, I guess the stupid pick-up line worked (although thank goodness we did not get married!).

Little did I know, that encounter would set the tone for my life for the next 10 years. You see, I had unknowingly, or let’s say subconsciously, entered into a relationship shortly after with a drug addict. Man, was it fun at times, but when it was bad, it was SO bad. Who can relate to this scenario? His dependence on me was something from which I was not prepared to walk away. It was my empathetic side that fell into the longing for his love and, in some way, his neediness. It was not until I encountered many years of pain that I actually grew up and had to deal with my own demons. That revelation lead to my healing.

During my 30’s, I tended to steer clear from relationships, although I did enter into one - he was so persistent and claimed to love me so much - so I thought, “Why not?” That was also a tough year and after living with him, and then leaving, I knew I was done getting involved with another man for awhile. See a pattern here? I was SO unconscious about love and letting whatever was in-front of me just happen instead of thinking about what I wanted from a partner or mate. Subconscious choices are still choices.

Jump forward into my early 40’s and I was in the throws of building Rediscover Your Closet, moving into a new neighborhood and volunteering in multiple ways helping women, horses, and dog and cat rescues. At the time I thought, “If I stay busy enough doing good for others as well as my business, then love will come when it may.”

When a lesson has not been learned, even if you think it has, then the universe will bring it all back to the root of why you keep unconsciously making the choices that you do. Getting to the ROOT cause of why you don’t truly love yourself is deep and hard work to do but the Untethered Soul brought me to a place of understanding my choices like never before.

But let’s get back to my not-so-great choices for partners...

New neighborhood and new opportunity to follow those same patterns. I entered into the now familiar scenario trying to build a relationship with the same type of guy that was battling addiction - that same pattern I began in my 20’s. I kept thinking, “How could I be here again when I did so much work on myself to clear out these attachments?” Or so I thought. My spiritual healing with plant medicine and self-realization work was supposed to lead me to make better choices. What became clear to me, especially being a Libra, is that I long for balance - and was going to severe extremes living my life in the pursuit of that balance. Once again, when it was fun, it was incredibly fun, but, ultimately, the bad was not worth the mental bullshit - to put it mildly!

I tell you this story to share with you the questions I am asking myself consciously, “How are we not leading ourselves to the places we need to in our minds to find the root of the problem? Is our addiction to needing love and acceptance pushing us to fill it with trite, shallow things like shopping too much, drinking too much or self-sabotaging ourselves unconsciously?”

Get to the root of whatever issue you are dealing with and there you will find your answers. There are many paths to take, and if you need someone to chat with about it, hit me up. Time does not always heal, but changing the root of why we make the decisions we make sure does.

Why is December's full moon called the Cold Moon?

December's Cold Moon gets its name from the drop in temperature during the winter months. The moon has also been known by some Europeans as the "Moon Before Yule," as a festive reference to the beginning of the Christmas season.

As I reflect on the moon and the upcoming season, I think of our ancestors. How did they operate with the moons and their cycle? It seems like there was so much reverence to earth and the seasonal signs they give us. Do we give enough reverence and acknowledgment to those cycles today? The more we connect back to earth, the more we give gratitude. Being outside of Taos, in a quaint little town called San Cristobal, has connected me back to nature and all that it can give us. How do we give thanks? We honor and connect with the signs all around us. 

I will be alone for the first time this year working as a ski instructor in Red River Ski Valley. Training was not a joke and I’m so excited to use my ski skills again, even though my body is a tad bit worn out. 

I am thankful for friends and family, but also okay to be alone this holiday season. Keep spreading light and love even when it gets tough and new challenges face your path. Remember this holiday season that we are here to LOVE each other not just during the holidays, but everyday.

Teaching and Learning

Well, I somehow ended up in Red River teaching ski school to kids. It has been such a growing experience - for sure. In a way, I felt like I was trying to leave Texas and here I am in a little Texas city in New Mexico. What lessons can be learned? That is the question I pose every time I am challenged in a new way. I never want to run from a situation, but grow from it. I wanted to come to the Taos area to get my hippie side going and delve into more “spiritual” work. That is not the case right now, but learning that life and that being open to the flow is the work. One does not have to always be “in the work” to change and grow. Our daily lives are the work and we put ourselves and our love out there in everyday situations to help it come together, to encourage others. 

May this inspire you to get out of your comfort zone and see where life takes you. Sometimes the path you think you should be on will change and evolve. That is okay and try to go with the flow, and not force life to be the way you think it should be. Being open and flexible is the key 💜. 

I will be making another move after ski season is over and look forward to where the flow of life will take me this year. I profess that 2020 will be awesome 💥! 

Confidence and Love

I recently passed my PSIA certification to be a Level 1 Ski Instructor - so exciting! My success here was challenging and made me really focus on gaining more confidence, improving skiing skills, endurance and humility.

The reason I wanted this certificate is to be able to teach in West Virginia next season. BIG NEWS - I am heading to Pittsburgh in April and could not be more excited! I’ve met a wonderful man named Ed, and we couldn’t be happier to share this experience together. He and I taught at the same school and feel so fortunate to have made this beautiful connection.

Ed lives in Pittsburgh and I am truly thrilled to learn a new city with such a remarkable man. Both Ed and I headed to Red River to teach. Neither of us had really made plans for this but feel like we were pulled together and intended to meet on this mountain. Sometimes, Kismet happens! Ed says he loves me just as I am, and that he has been looking for me his whole life. When someone special comes into your life unexpectedly, you should not let them go because they were probably brought into your life for a really good reason.

I will continue teaching ski school in Red River until the end of March, and then will head to Pittsburgh, with a few stops along the way. Rediscover Your Closet will get revamped in a new town which is exciting for my business too.

Stay tuned for updates and as always please be the change with ✌️and 💗.




Learn to pronounce


  1. (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

Wow, let’s just say it...this has been a screwed up, learning, and challenging experience for sure. The question is though will we grow for the better through this experience or not? Will we unite together or become more isolated to our fellow neighbor? This is the time where balance MUST be in use. Where we do what is best for the common good and at the same time be true to ourselves and not jumping into fear based decisions. Think independently and wisely.

I have seen my bad habits rear their ugly head now that I am faced with being at my dwelling so much. I catch myself saying, “Not today Satan 🥴.” This pandemic has automatically put us into a fear mode. Living that way is hard.

Mother earth needed a break, I have no doubt, and we are giving her a forced rest that is so desperately needed. It is crazy that this disease harms our lungs. That is what we have been testing HER on for so long with destruction of our forests aka the earth’s lungs. Dig deep. Meditate. Reflect on what is authentically you. You got this. Love on someone virtually.

I hate being too wordy, so will wrap it up in this paragraph. Get creative and write blogs, paint, work on a home project, collect food for those less fortunate, set up calls to reunite with friends and family.

And as always...be the change my friends.

I’m here!

I have made it two weeks so far in Pittsburgh. It has been interesting to be in a new city with a new person all while experiencing “Shelter In Place”. All that being said, I have been able to be in nature with Ed, and the dogs, almost daily which has been wonderful. What a journey coming across the country in a pandemic!

I hope that you are able to enjoy your time at home in some way. It is a battle of the mind for me to jump from gratefulness to anxiety, so back and forth! I am going to delve into doing my own yoga today without having to be guided. Put on some music and just flow. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out and what we as humans in this world can learn from it all. Feel your emotions, but don’t get stuck in them. It is so easy to stay in a funk these days, but doing my best to work though it all.

Keep staying connected in the best ways possible for you. Social distancing does not have to mean social disconnection from everyone. Listen to your heart and do what is best for you my friends.

From my heart to yours-

Elisabeth 💜✌️

Mother Earth and our fellow humans need our compassion

I saw a deer hit and injured on the road yesterday when driving with Ed to help him on a paint job. It was horrific, and I burst into tears as I called 911. I felt so helpless to save that injured animal. It was so scared and lying in the middle of the highway with cars zooming around it. I have known for awhile that I am highly sensitive (an empath) and it is hard for me to move on from seeing another living being in pain.

Emotions seem to be running rampant these days and sometimes I feel like I am drowning just to get my head above water. No doubt that we all are going through some serious shit that this virus has brought out in our lives. Moving to a new city in a pandemic has seemed to put me in a tailspin and working my way out slowly and with kindness to myself daily.

I hope that this story will make you think before you roll your eyes or snap at someone on social media, or in face to face interaction. This has been tough on everyone and instead of reprimanding others and being nasty, give other humans some grace and compassion before being ugly and overreacting.

Like politics, this virus has divided us even more and we definitely do not feel that we are all in this together. What a balance it is to find your voice but also not judge others. This is why the leaders I personally admire in history were tough, but with a sound mind and compassion.

My heart goes out to all the living beings affected by this pandemic and who have lost someone. Try to keep in focus to come out of this better humans and find the compassion for mother earth, humans and animals that we so desperately need.

From my heart to yours-



I have been thinking quite a bit about how humans are scared to fail. I myself have looked at failure only more recently as a way to grow. During this pandemic, my entrepreneur mind is constantly in motion. What is a good business to have and sustain during times of crisis? It is good to venture into your heart and soul to delve into your passions. My partner and I both have our own businesses and debate on keeping them going or jumping into something new that we both love. What a joy it is to combine talents and focus on something new and adventurous together. What do you love to do? What tugs at your heart and soul to bring into the world? My love of nature will take my heart to the next venture and if I fail along the way, so be it. I will not let fear hold me back.  Reminder to let it go and follow your heart.  Remember you are here for a purpose and being authentically you is the best gift you can bring to the world.  YOU.ARE.ENOUGH 💥❤️

Kambo Journey

As I take a break from my Kambo training, I realize how much I was expecting from this lesson, and am amazed at how my mind and body feel today. I did what is called a “3x3” today in our session - this is when kambo is applied to your body three different times in a three-hour session. My 3x3 was the physiological release that my brain needed. Five, seven and nine points to receive the peptides needed to transform my mind, body and soul.

For those seeking release or insight, this frog medicine is amazing in the ways it can help you heal. Like any jungle medicines, this is my own personal experience and it is something that I believe is a tool to help free your mind. With everything happening in our world today, this really facilitated a healing journey of facing personal issues and brought about increased peace and understanding. I am still a work in progress, and continue to learn to accept and surrender to new ways of enlightenment. If you want more info about kambo, reach out to me on social media through my Instagram page at @Rediscoveryourcloset 🐸.

Declutter Your Body, Declutter your Life.  Organize • Minimize • Fashionize