"Elisabeth's service is an economical and intelligent way to get the most out of your closet, she adds the correct items needed, removes the ones you don't."  -Rosemary


"I love that you were able to come up with new outfits from the clothes that I already had."  -Lavender


"Elisabeth has always had a flair and eye for clothes and accessorizing.  She recommended putting outfits together that I had not seen before in my clothes."  -Cookie


"Elisabeth helped me figure out how to think differently about dressing.  She is creative and knows what looks good on my body type."  -Jennifer


"It was nice this morning to select an outfit that was already professionally put together by simply checking through the pictures you left for me of the outfits."  -Pat

"I had tried to "shop my own closet" on my own and had failed time and time again. Elisabeth was like a breath of fresh air! Within minutes, she had me dressed in combinations of tops and bottoms that I'd never thought to put together. I feel great about my wardrobe now! I'm loving the compliments I get on my new looks, and have even managed to pair together a few "out of box" outfits myself! Thanks again, Elisabeth!"  -Tori


"For me personally, it is such a big mental relief to have a well-organized closet.  I use to go through three or four changes of clothingbefore I could get out the door. I am not overly fashion conscience, but I do like to look put together, and with age-appropriate clothing. I have a number of functions the next two weeks to attend, and I do not have to mentally be concerned about buying anything, because Biz and I worked on outfits with clothing already in my closet. Saving money is common sense! Biz also suggested I get rid of clothing I wasn't wearing to offer to a women's shelter. Great idea for recycling! If you have the opportunity to do a closet makeover with Elisabeth White do it.  Your dollars will be well spent. Thanks Biz."  -Beverlee


"Elisabeth provided the support and guidance needed to address my wardrobe conundrum. And while my children napped, we inventoried, purged, and rediscovered more outfits than a shopping spree would have afforded - my husband was thrilled! We found transitional outfits and new combinations of outfits once my pre-baby body made a come back. I HIGHLY recommend this amazing service that Elisabeth provides for any and all women, especially discouraged, exhausted mommies who still like to think of themselves somehow shabby-chic!"  -Amy